Abdominal Chi Massage - Chi Nei Tsang 1 & 2
2 intensive 5 day courses with Doris Kolling
Chi Nei Tsang - Level 1
05 Jan. to 09 Jan. 2026 & 12 Jan. to 16 Jan. 2026
Visceral and emotional release of the inner organs.
This first week is about:
- Detoxify both the large and small intestines.
- Release blockages in the abdominal region.
- Detoxify the skin by opening the Chi gates to the organs, also detoxify the major organs, where current negative emotions may be stored, such as the liver, gallbladder, lungs, heart, kidneys, pancreas, and bladder.
- Trace old negative emotions to areas of tension and deep-seated restrictions in our abdominal area where they may manifest as stagnant Chi in the form of tightness, restrictions, lumps or knots.
- Like peeling an onion, work on many layers; skin, fascia, muscle, lymph and circulation, gradually progressing from superficial to more deep-seated problems within the abdomen.
Everyone with a massage background is welcome.
5 days / 30 CE hours Baht 11,500.-
Price includes study hours, all course materials, plus bonus 30-minute herbal ball application on the stomach every day after class.
Next class:
- 05 Jan. to 09 Jan. 2026
Chi Nei Tsang - Level 2
This Advanced 5-day course with Doris addresses
Deepening the understanding of visceral and emotional detoxification.
Learn to:
- Release and improve the function of the vascular system.
- Improve circulation, directing blood flow to the organs, correlating the individual pulses.
- Relieve lower back pain more effectively through deep psoas work.
- Clear and flush the lymphatic system in the body by working on the lymph glands and lymph pathways.
- Provide a deeper, more comprehensive lung treatment as in asthmatic massage.
- Detoxify the reproductive organs in the lower abdominal area by focusing on the vascular system.
This level 2 course can help prevent heart attack and stroke. Chi Nei Tsang treatments will provide an immediate improvement in blood flow throughout the body, benefiting all organs of the body and improving their function.
This course is only open to students already experienced in Chi Nei Tsang level 1
5 days / 30 CE Hours Baht 12,500.- (approx. EUR 344.-, USD 379.-)
The course includes a 30 minute herbal ball treatment per day concentrating on the abdomen and the other pertinent areas. Please bring the course material from the previous course (level 1).
Next class:
- 12 Jan. to 16 Jan. 2026